What should I do if I have a dental emergency?

If you have a dental emergency, you should call Cleburne Dental Care immediately and plan to come into the office. When you experience a dental problem or oral injury, it's important to know if you need emergency dental care and if your dental plan covers you. Not all dental problems are emergencies. A tooth falling out, a toothache, a chipped tooth, or pain from a dental crown could be serious dental problems, but not necessarily emergencies, so it's best to consider your options in advance.

Things like a bad toothache, an injury in which a tooth or teeth have been knocked out, a tooth abscess that's infected are a few examples of some possible dental emergencies. Dental emergencies do not simply go away and are often exacerbated when patients wait to address them.  Pain and swelling and not normal and they indicate that there is a more serious problem that should be addressed immediately.

Don’t wait if you feel something is not right in your mouth. Let us address your problem before it becomes something more painful and expensive. Talk to Dr. Davis whenever you have dental pain, suffer an injury or trauma to your mouth that includes broken or missing teeth, cuts and other damage.

If one or more teeth have been dislodged, you should contact us immediately. You can take the following steps for saving and preserving the teeth:

  • Put teeth in milk
  • Pack a tooth socket—where the tooth came out in your mouth—with gauze, a cotton ball, or even a tea bag
  • For chipped and broken teeth, rinse and save the pieces, if possible

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